Saturday, March 21, 2009

Characters Welcome

Today I get to play "the proud mom" role. Last Fall, our family was invited by photographer Marla Rutherford to attend her photo shoot for a project that she was working on in conjunction with the USA television network for their "Characters Welcome" campaign. She shot the family all together and then each of us separately. A few months later we got notice that two of the photos (one of Shea and one of Brynn) from our shoot were chosen for the book portion of the project entitled "American Character: A Photographic Journey." With the forward written by Tom Brokaw, the book celebrates "the extraordinary people from all walks of life who make this country what it is."

We just received our copy of this beautiful hardback book this afternoon and I quickly snapped up some photos to show off my kiddos. Brokaw has been on numerous television programs promoting the book and a few weeks ago there was a gallery show in New York City featuring Marla's photos. In May, that portrait presentation will move to a Los Angeles gallery, which we will be attending and are quite excited about.

The book is available on Amazon or at any major bookstore. It features eleven outstanding photographers and is a delightful peek inside the diverse lives of "the characters" all around us.

Without further adieu, here are a few glimpses inside the book, beginning with the page featuring my kiddos.
Winx, Jinxi


web-wench said...

Wow, how awesome is THAT?! GO SHEA AND BRYNN!!! :D Love the photos and wish we could be there to attend the show, too!

Lots of love, Wen XXXX

Anonymous said...

Jinx! How EXCITING for all of you, and especially them! WOW - can't believe you didn't tell me, ya stinker ;) This is so amazing- eeee! Loads of hugs, Jamie xo ps my damn Google account isn't working - grrr.

Renee•Candy Stick Lane said...

Jinxi!!!! The pics of the kids are awesome, and Im totally going to get the book :D I LOVE IT!!!! I hope you got copies of the pics for yourself <3